Gratitude Show and Tell: A Practice

Picture this, you’re 5 years old and it’s show and tell day at school. You wake up so excited that morning and can’t wait to bring all your favorite things with you— that cool doll or action figure, a special rock you found that you swear has magical powers, and a flattened penny you got from the gift shop of the aquarium you went to over the summer. 


You start gingerly putting all your trinkets and most prized possessions into your backpack when your parent says, “You can only bring one item with you for show and tell.” 


World. Ending. 

How could you possibly choose just one item?! They are all so meaningful and unique and cherished! 


Indulge my words and let’s do a little activity, shall we? While you are reading, first, take a deep breath. Good. Now, look around the space you’re in (office, home, friend’s house, it doesn’t matter), and pick one item that either calls to you or perhaps is just the first thing you see.  


Okay, now go get that item and bring it over to where you are reading. 


I want you to first look at the item— What do you notice about it? What are the textures you see— is it smooth or rough or both? What colors are the item? How do the colors make you feel? 


Now, hold it in your hands and feel the weight of the item. Is it light or heavy? 


And, finally, and perhaps you guessed it, smell the item. Does the smell evoke any sensation, thought, or memory? Can you assign a feeling to whatever comes up? 


You’re probably reading this thinking—what is this person even talking about?! But, truly, sit with the item. What do you notice in your reaction to it? 


Let’s get to the fun part! It doesn’t matter if the item you have was carefully selected or chosen at random, I want you to begin to cultivate gratitude toward whatever the object is. Perhaps you grabbed a water bottle and the gratitude can be that that is a vessel for you to hydrate your incredible body. Or maybe you grabbed a photograph of someone you love and the gratitude is for that memory you share with your loved one.  


My last request in this little gratitude show and tell is that you now place that object somewhere you will see it often or be able to touch it in times you are feeling stressed or anxious. When the body becomes stressed, the breath gets shallow, your heart races, and you may start to see red, among other reactions (every person is different!). 


The idea here is that this item can be your anchor for those challenging moments.  


It should be easily accessible—if it’s a water bottle, use that bad boy every day; keep it close! If it’s a piece of jewelry, be sure to wear it every day. If it’s a picture, put it in the room you are often in or on a wall you frequently pass. 


This item is your visual reminder of something solid; something real. Let gratitude ground you. 




*P.S. If you weren’t able to follow with my action steps as you read my words, I hope you are able to internalize and process my requests and possibly take time to do them later.  

Brittni Barcase

Brittni Barcase is a 500-hour CYT, Certified Financial Social Work Educator, EFT Tapping Educator, and considers herself to be a forever student, always hungry for new information and perspective. When Brittni isn't creating online content or chasing her children, she can be found creating macrame for her passion project, Mann Made with Love, or teaching yoga classes. She believes that healing comes from connecting to others and thus writes to inspire others to speak up and live out loud, without fear.


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