Online Dating: A New Perspective
In the movie Slumdog Millionaire, the main character, after spending most of his life in the slums of India, finds himself able to answer every question correctly on a prestigious game show, leading him to win millions and go from…
The Opposite Of Addiction: Connection
Yesterday, I got a call from my Dad’s case manager. When I saw the number pop up on my screen, my heart dropped. Had he relapsed? Was something wrong? Did he have to leave his recovery program? Fortunately, none of these things were true.
The Face Of Depression
Recently, we published a blog post about Princeton professor and lauded Obama Administration economist Alan Krueger, who based his economic policy around the concept of happiness. The paradox of that piece, however, is that Alan Krueger died by suicide in March.
The Economics Of Happiness
Alan Krueger, successful economist and architect of the Obama Administration’s 2009 plan to end Recession, studied economics through the lens of happiness. Although on the surface, the study of happiness and the study of economics seem worlds apart…
Remember To Lean In
I’ve learned to accept that I am both a control freak and a “go-with-the-flow” kinda gal. I want things to go my way but am also happy to just sit back and enjoy the ride. I've always thought of this as being a pretty balanced human-being - equal parts "chill" and "controlled.”
Body Love
I was scrolling through my old Facebook photos the other day, and noticed a common trend amongst myself and my friends, both men and women...As we’ve gotten older, we’ve gained weight. This isn’t rocket science -- a slower metabolic rate…