The Mental Well Community Connections: Alex Raver

In 3-5 sentences, tell us a little about you and your background. What is your name, where did you grow up, where are you now, any hobbies or other things about you that you’d like to share?


Do you prefer the mountains or beach? Why?


What is a really good book you’ve read or movie you’ve seen recently?


Who do you look up to in your life and, if they were to read this, is there anything you would like to tell them?


What is it about “mental health” that you are passionate about? Why? Any experience you’d like to share that brought this passion out?


What's a difficult situation you survived/came through/found resilience in? What did the experience teach you about yourself?


If you could tell your younger self something, what would it be and why?


What is one of your favorite quotes and why?


Do you have any aspirations for yourself over the next year or two and how do you plan to reach those goals?


Mental health priorities evolve with age and experience, what are one or two important pillars that make up the foundation of who you are today?


How do you manage your mental health?


In terms of “self-care” what do you do that a reader may be able to easily adopt into their life?


It’s important to be supported, but how do you offer support to the people in your life?

Alex Raver

Alex grew up in Lancaster, PA but lived in Maryland for most of her young adult life. She met her husband during college and after having their daughter in 2016 they moved back to their home state of PA and currently resides in Hanover, PA. After being a stay-at-home parent for 5 years, Alex returned to work part-time. When she’s not working, trying to keep up with her energetic daughter or cleaning up after their 3 cats, Alex enjoys crocheting, cooking, and swimming and relaxing in their pool.


The Mental Well Community Connections: Brittni Barcase


The Mental Well Community Connections: Kim Ureno